Ben Reilly


Senior Project Manager


Mr. Reilly is a licensed professional civil engineer in seven states with over 15 years of experience in structural engineering design and forensic consulting, conducting over 1,000 forensic engineering investigations. His inspections focused on root cause studies of structural failures and collapse, moisture intrusion, wood rot, soil subsidence & hillside failures, and foundation settlement and heaving. He also performed damage assessments related to earthquakes, fires, floods, impacts, storm events (hail, wind, hurricane, tornado, and snow), vibration damage, and the design of temporary and permanent repairs for damaged structures. Mr. Reilly has experience in construction defect litigation inspections for structural and building envelope components. Other expertise includes residential single- and multi-family wood-framed structural design and commercial tenant improvements of all building types.


  • PE | Professional Engineer
  • Residential Building Inspector, ICC
  • 30-Hour Construction Safety and Health Certified, OSHA
  • EIFS Level 1 Inspector, EDI
  • CXLT Certified Tribometrist

Representative Consulting Assignments

  • Mission Hotel | Bakersfield, CA | Fire Damage Investigation | Inspected a hotel that was damaged by a fire. Examination of the interior framing revealed extensive char on load-bearing wood framing that would require shoring to both continue inspections and to begin repair demolition of the finishes and structure. Prepared a summary report of the extent of structural damage and a conceptual shoring design for our client.
  • Century Hill Condominiums | Los Angeles, CA | Collapse Investigation | Inspected a concrete podium slab collapse, which included documentation of the as-built condition of the slab, construction loading prior to and during collapse, and its post collapse condition. The slab was analyzed to determine its as-built capacity, given its age and its response to the applied construction load that ultimately resulted in its failure.
  • Goodman Real Estate | Seattle, WA | Structural Condition Assessments | Inspected approximately 20 apartment complexes on behalf of the owner to identify structural components damaged by moisture intrusion and subsequent wood rot. Developed a methodology, working with a wood pathologist, to identify the time frame in which each component reached Substantial Structural Impairment and was unable to support its code prescribed loading.
  • Vistaña Condominiums | Las Vegas, NV | Construction Defect Litigation Investigation | Inspected the complex to determine any defects with the structural design and construction of multi-family wood-framed buildings. Managed the activities of junior engineers and the destructive testing crew. Prepared summary spreadsheets, reports, and trial exhibits.
  • Private Residence | Rancho Cucamonga, CA | Soil Investigation | Inspect property for slope destabilization, leach field washout, and total extent of damage due to water main break.

Professional Experience

  • 2023 - Current | Senior Project Manager | YA Engineering Services
  • 2020 - 2023 | Senior Forensic Engineer | EFI Global, Inc.
  • 2019 - 2020 | Senior Forensic Engineer | Rimkus Consulting
  • 2013 - 2019 | Project Engineer | Envista Forensics
  • 2011 - 2013 | Senior Engineer | ATC Design Group
  • 2009 - 2010 | Project Engineer | OAC Services
  • 2004 - 2008 | Associate Engineer | Josephson Werdowatz & Associates
  • 2003 - 2004 | Design Engineer | Malhas Engineering

Area of Practice

  • Building Envelope
  • Damage Assessment
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Failure Analysis
  • Litigation Support
  • Non-Destructive Testing
  • Repair and Rehabilitation Design
  • Roofing
  • Seismic Evaluations and Retrofit Design
  • Seismic Risk Assessment
  • Structural Analysis
  • Water Leakage Testing and Analysis
  • Condition Assessment


  • University of California - Bachelor of Science - Structural Engineering - San Diego - California


  • 54448 - Arizona - Professional Engineer
  • C 70402 - California - Professional Civil Engineer
  • 52871 - Colorado - Professional Engineer
  • 88836 - Florida - Professional Engineer
  • 20466 - Hawaii - Professional Civil Engineer
  • 022178 - Nevada - Professional Civil Engineer
  • 127812 - Texas - Professional Engineer
  • 46198 - Washington - Professional Civil Engineer