Andrew Hudson
Principal Consultant
Chartered Quantity Surveyor with over 30 years experience in quantity surveying and contract administration and significant experience of both pre and post contract administration on a wide variety of civil engineering, building and process projects. Over 15 years experience providing cost, quantum, procurement and risk advice to the Insurance market on a wide range of property and energy losses.
Provides cost, procurement and contractual advice to Insurers, Re-Insurers and Loss Adjusters on a wide range of Property and Energy losses in the UK and Internationally. Produces Orders of Magnitude estimates to assist with the setting of reserves, Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates to assess the claim, Value at Risk (VAR) estimates to assess the total value of the insured asset and Actual Cost Value (ACV) or depreciated estimates to assess the cash value of the asset. Advised Insurers on the most appropriate procurement strategy and Form of Contract and the potential risks during the procurement and construction phases including potential mitigation strategies.
Worked for both private and public sector clients on a wide variety of construction projects carrying out a range of activities including due diligence, tender / contract preparation and administration, contractual advice, cost planning and estimating, measurement, tender evaluation, interim valuations, final account preparation, rating and claims assessments, risk identification, analysis and costing and cost and value engineering.
Procured and managed numerous projects under various forms of contract including NEC, ICE, JCT, FIDIC, IChemE and various bespoke forms of contract and has worked in a range of sectors including Insurance, Rail, London Underground, Highways, Ports and Maritime, Power Stations, Defence, Water Treatment, Residential, Private Developments and Waste Management Schemes.
Countries Worked in: Bahrain, British Virgin Islands, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Finland, France, Italy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Netherlands, Norway, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE), USA.
Representative Consulting Assignments
- Sadara Petrochemical Plant, Saudi Arabia | Petrochemical, Chemicals & Gas | Fire damage to a cooling tower during the construction phase at the Sadara Chemical Company facility at Jubail, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Carried out site inspections to determine the scope of damage and produced Reserve and Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates.
- SAPREF, South Africa | Petroleum & Refineries | Flood damage to Engen refinery in South Africa. Formed part of a site team responsible for inspecting the damage and developing the scope of damage to Civils / Building Works, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation and Process Equipment damaged during the flooding. Produced Reserve and Actual Cash Value (ACV) estimates
- Jeddah Railway Station, Saudi Arabia | Infrastructure | Fire damage to Jeddah railway station during the construction phase, caused significant damage to the Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical installations. Carried out site inspections to determine scope of damage and produced Reserve and Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates for this Construction All Risks (CAR) claim.
- O2 Arena, London, UK | Commercial & Public Buildings | Following a large storm, sections of the buildings PTFE fabric roof were significantly damaged which led to rain ingress onto part of the retail area. Produced Reserve estimates for the temporary and permanent reinstatement works as well as reviewing the contract documentation and advising on the potential construction and cost escalation risks.
- Western Bakery, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Manufacturing | Fire damage to a bakery complex in Saudi Arabia caused significant damage to the building, mechanical, electrical services and process equipment. Produced Value at Risk (VAR) and Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates.
- Sonae Industria, Panel Board plant, Knowsley, UK | Manufacturing | Fire damage to a particle board processing facility which caused significant damage to buildings, building services and process equipment. Provided assistance with the production of Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates.
- Avon Automotives a.s., Rudnik, Czech Republic | Manufacturing | Significant damage to several buildings and machinery caused by an explosion of a steam accumulator vessel. Assisted with the assessment of the scope of damage and produced Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates.
- Cristal Titanium Dioxide Plant, Saudi Arabia | Heavy Industry | A steam explosion occurred in one of Cristal’s titanium dioxide furnaces causing damage to the furnace and associated civil and building works. Carried out inspections of the plant to assess the scope of damage. Produced Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates and assisted with the negotiations with the Insured party.
- Various Projects in the British Virgin Islands | Commercial & Public Buildings | Hurricane Irma caused significant damage to the British Virgin Islands. Carried out site inspections of two high end private properties / hotel accommodations and 6 Construction projects to construction high end private residences. Led a team of Engineers and Quantity Surveyors who agreed the scope of damage and the associated reinstatement costs with the Insured’s representatives.
- Umgemi Water Company, South Africa | Infrastructure | Significant flooding in Durban South Africa, caused damage to water infrastructure pipework and associated structures. Produced Reserve estimates and currently producing Reinstatement Costs Value (RCV) estimates for the reinstatement works.
- Molycorp, Silmet, Estonia | Heavy Industry | Fire damage to Molycorp facility resulting in significant building damage. Produced Reserve and Value at Risk (VAR) estimates for the whole 22 acre facility including 47 manufacturing, research and administration buildings, site infrastructure, services and the process plant and machinery.
- Hilton Caribe, Puerto Rico | Commercial & Public Buildings | Hilton Caribe suffered significant damage to infrastructure, buildings, fabric, mechanical, electrical and piping systems following Hurricane Maria. Providing advice on the construction contract, procurement route and reinstatement costs associated with the reconstruction works of this 562 room resort hotel which consists of a 20 storey tower block, 12 storey main building and a 10 storey garden wing as well as all associated communal facilities and external works.
- Agder Energi Vannkraft Hydro Power Station, Norway | Power & Energy | Managed and reviewed our reporting for a causation investigation following damage caused to the runner chamber on this hydro power station. Managed local resources inspecting the chamber during demolition phase and local consultants who carried out metallurgical and concrete testing.
- Cemex, South Ferriby, UK | Heavy Industry | Flooding to the Cemex facility caused damage to buildings, mechanical and electrical services, all processing machinery and equipment. Produced Reserve and Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates for the damaged facility.
- Huntsman, Finland | Petrochemical, Chemicals & Gas | Fire damage to Huntsman’s main titanium dioxide facility in Finland significantly damaging the building structure, services and process equipment. Appointed to assist in the investigation of the scope of damage to Buildings, Machinery and Equipment, provide assistance with expediting measures and agree the costs for the reinstatement works. Provided procurement advice and produced Reserve, Value at Risk (VAR) and Reinstatement Cost Value (RCV) estimates for the building, mechanical, electrical and process equipment.
- Engen, South Africa | Petroleum & Refineries | Carried out a peer review of the scope of damage assessments and initial Reserve estimates produced by a local consultant. Produced Actual Cash Value (ACV) / depreciated estimates for the reinstatement works.
- Yorkshire Water Facilities, UK | Infrastructure | Significant flooding in Yorkshire caused significant civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and process equipment damage to a variety of Yorkshire Water Assets. Worked alongside the Insured’s professional team to agree reinstatement costs and provided advice to Insurers with respect to procurement and risk whilst also advising on the likely reinstatement costs across the estate.
Professional Experience
- 2022 - Current | Principal Consultant | YOUNG & Associates
- 2019 - 2022 | | Envista Forensics
- 2015 - 2019 | | McLellan and Partners Ltd
- 1990 - 2015 | | Mouchel
- MRICS - Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors